Inspiration - Siren is a call for immediate prayer.

Today early morning as I was spending time in my personal prayer, I heard the siren of an ambulance which was rushing to the hospital towards the city. Then the Spirit of the Lord inspired me to make a short intercessory prayer for the one who is taken in the vehicle and for all those who are in critical situation. Immediately, I made a short intercessory prayer for all the patients in the Holy Name of Jesus and concluded with one “Our Father, One Hail Mary and One Glory Be.” I felt great joy instantly because I believe, Jesus heard my prayer and He will give them a speedy recovery. In the past, I had heard several times the emergency siren of ambulances or that of the Fire engines but I never prayed. These days, we quite often hear different sounds of the siren, day and night in our journey. Is it possible for us to make a short intercessory prayer immediately when we hear the siren? Remember it is a FOCUS time to focus on God and make a short intercessory prayer.

Word of God: St. Mark in his Gospel does not focus on the dialogue of Jesus whereas he focuses on Christ’s actions. Therefore Mark uses the word “immediately” 41 times in the gospel to draw our attention to the dynamic spiritual and missionary movements of Jesus. For instance:
Mk.6:50 (Jesus walks on the sea) for they all saw Him, and were terrified. But immediately he spoke to them and said, “Take heart, it is I; have no fear.” .Mk.9:23-24 (The healing of a boy with a mute spirit) And Jesus said to him, if you can! All things are possible to him who believes.” Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe, help my unbelief.”